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05 Significance of Horoscope Match

In every love relationship like marriage and living relationship there has to be some level of horoscope matching compatibility between both the partners. It decides how long their relationship will go on. Each partner should understand each other and there should be harmony in their relationship. They should be comfortable with each other and should make happy to each other in every aspect of the relationship. To know the compatibility level Horoscope Matches in Indian horoscope matches Astrology has a very dynamic role to play.


Astrology and horoscope match have a great significance in our life. So it is very important to match the horoscope of both the partners before starting a relationship. As a result of which they are able to know about their future whether their relationship will prove to be success or not.

Horoscope Matching is very important before entering into a love or romantic relationship. In India marriage / wedding is one of main occasion of persons life. So before entering into the relationship, people generally match their horoscope by expert Indian astrologers. They give a lot of value to horoscope compatibility as it is an important decision of a person’s life.

It is always advisable to take precautions before anything goes wrong. Horoscope matching compatibility is done to analyze the compatibility between love partners and take precautions at the early stage. It helps the people to choose correct love partner and avoid future bad experiences.


Horoscope Match Making

Generally people think the Gun Milap is total solution to know compatibility between partners. But horoscope matching is much more than that. It should only be analyzed by an expert vedic astrologer. It requires, years of knowledge and experience of an Astrologer to analyze and match horoscopes of both partners. All the predictions and advice in astrology compatibility report are accurate will help you taking right decision. You can ask upto 3 questions related to this report. It will be mailed to you by email online.

Prevention is always better than cure. So by taking help of astrology and matching the horoscopes, we can easily get rid of our upcoming problems.


Followings are some of major aspects of horoscope matching/astrology compatibility reading that should be considered for matching horoscopes for love and romantic relationship.

  • Gun Milan: Gun milap is the basic process of matching horoscopes. Out of 36 points there should be atleast 18 or more points which should match. Below this number compatibility is not considered good for long relationship.
  • Manglik (Mangal) Dosh: Due to the position of planet Mars, sometimes horoscope indicate The Manglik dosha. By analyzing the horoscope for this dosha one can avoid ill effects due to Manglik dosha.
  • Mental Compatibility: Both the partners should have their mental makeup & wavelength matched. For cordial relationship this is very important aspect of horoscope matching.
  • Children: In every marriage or love relationship people expect children out of their relationship in future. There should be indication of at least one childbirth in their horoscopes.
  • Health: Both the partner should be in good health and there should not be any sign of fatal or crippling diseases.
  • Separative Tendencies: There should not be any signs of long-term separation between each partners as this may lead to divorce between them.
  • Sexual attraction & satisfaction: For Love relationship there should be attraction between the partners. They should fulfill sexual desire of their partners.

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