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Nadi Astrology – Accurate Future Prediction

Bring home happiness. Your thumb impression reveals the secrets of your destiny. Solve your personal problems. Accurate future prediction based on your thumb impression through NADI ASTROLOGY which is the treasure of knowledge given by Rishis and Siddhas (in Tamil) in the form inscriptions on Palm-leaves in poetic form thousand years ago. All problems from womb to tomb are covered and can be solved through the divine science. Nadi is the best predictive tools to provide accurate predictions pertaining to timing of events from the date of seeing it.


The remedies for the problems, the method of performing the pariharas for the peaceful and happy life are given by the Nadi Astrology. The effect of the planets on all lives are by the grace of God. Pray to God for the happy life as the future will be a mixture of good and bad depending on ones past karma. Bad health, childlessness, poverty and deprivation of education are considered to be some of the effect of past sins. The predictions are effective only if the remedies mentioned in, ‘AEDU’ (Nadi leaf) are carried out properly and wholeheartedly. If not satisfied with Nadi reading take these remedies as supplementary and continue your efforts. Nadi readings describe you perfectly with your name, parents name and spouse name (if applicable) and it tells about relatives, your current life style, number of brothers and sisters, career graph and even spiritual attainment and future of you and your children’s future. This is known (or extremely precise timing of events pertaining to financial conditions, education, marriage or denial or divorce, health, foreign travel, career graph, job, business etc. Other rishis apart from Agathiya who have left these Nadi readings include Brigu, Bhokar Saptha-rishi, Kousika etc.

All cannot seek the Nadi leaf to get benefited. Saints judged only those persons who will come at a later stage to view and written their predictions for those people only. The age at which you will seek the nadi leaf is also mentioned in the leaf corresponding to you when identified and read for you is really amazing. Hence the name Nadi (come and seek for it) given to this. If you have luck to seek this then only at the specified age mentioned for you may have an inclination to seek for it (nadi leaf) and get benefited.


Nadi suggests for remedial measures such as medicines, mantras, going to places of worship, charitable works, service to society and rakshas to overcome difficulties in the present and as well that awaits in future.


Prasna clearly reveals all aspects of the present problem of queries such as whether the intended venture will be profitable, whether any obstacles thrown on the way of success, and suggest remedies to overcome such evils without reference to the birth chart but with reference to the time and date of writing the prasna questions.


One out of ten couples does not enjoy marital happiness even though they don’t opt for a divorce. To wipe out the tears of persons who are invariably the victims of disharmony in martial life type, novel techniques of Nadi shows the way to help the needy.

Health indeed is a precious thing. People when plagued by physical ailments look for relief whether permanent or temporary through Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha, Unani, Pranic healing etc. Astrological factors can go a long way in helping an early diagnosis and effecting a cure but Nadi techniques spot and give apt remedies faster.

The planets in a natal horoscope could reveal whether the disease would be chronic, or transient mental or physical and which part of the body would be affected. Rishis or siddhas can fore-warn even before the symptoms are pronounced. Don’t ignore the distinct advantage of preventive diagnostic power of the Nadi predictions. These preventive uses of remedies is definitely more useful and powerful than the normal astral remedies. These Nadi remedies start showing the results of improvement within short span of time.

Fear is an obstacle to our peace of mind. Do not be anxious about the bad effects unnecessarily making an elephant of an ant. Pray to lord to ask for strength to face all unpredictable situations as future may be smooth or turbulent depending upon one’s karma. Above all surrender to GOD and have faith in his Mercy. Enhance the positive effects by the divine grace for which rishis has offered excellent solutions. By remedial measures one can attain peace of mind from physical, financial, family and other problems. disturbing them. Persons who already believe in the power of remedial measures can seek benefits from this system of prediction while others may not be interested in it or will not care this.


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Find your leaf and discover new life. Plan your future using the Nadi prediction to bring amazing results in your future life.

Those who have a good period will seek this advertisement to eradicate all obstacles through Nadi prescribed remedial measures.




What are the basics?

Based on the thumb impression (left for ladies, right for gents) saints have given future life prediction as well remedies. These are recorded facts about your past, present and future life events.


What about your luck?

All can not seek the NADI leaf to get benefited. Saints judged those persons who will come at a later stage for leaf and the age at which you will come and seek NADI is also mentioned in the nadi leaf itself. If luck is there you can get benefit.


What you can get from remedial measure?

By remedial measures one can attain peace of mind from physical, financial, family and other problems disturbing them.


How NADI is helpful to you?

To plan your future actions in a better way, Nadi guides to eliminate or reduce intensity of your sufferings, obstacles, hurdles or hardships.


Who can benefit?

NADI predictions will come true only if the remedies prescribed by saints are performed wholeheartedly and willingly with faith and devotion. Persons who has will and inclination to perform these prescribed remedies with devotion can be benefited.


Whether the Nadi predictions will come true?

Saints assure about their Nadi predictions come true only if the remedies prescribed are performed with full faith, devotion, wholeheartedly, and willingly in the prescribed manner.


By doing remedies will the problems

 There are variety of personal problems. If it is mentioned in ‘AEDU’ (NADI leaf) that the problem will be sorted out completely or intensity of problems or suffering will be reduced or problem will be completely sorted out within the prescribed time period, then it will happen positively provided remedies are done. Saints assure about their Nadi predictions comes true only if the remedies prescribed are performed with full faith, devotion, wholeheartedly and willingly in the prescribed manner.

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